A young man is left helpless after a minor accident and becomes totally dependent on his mother for help for a few weeks until he heals. He can’t use his hands for anything, even masturbating, so she must step in to help him whenever he gets horny. His sexy lady doctor walks the mother through just what is going to be necessary.

Any choppy edits are where I removed the clients name, as he requested for me to be allowed to use this story of his.

20 min long

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Why you should buy If you enjoy mommy and son stories, you'll love this little tale! Add in a sexy lady doctor giving mom some advice on how best to help her son masturbate, and you've got a perfect little MILF story.
Notes Thanks so much for your purchase! I hope this gives you some naughty material for your "spank bank!" I love making erotic audios, and have for many years. If you'd like me to make one for you, do please visit my website, https://eroticaudiorecordings.com/ . Looking for an erotic phone call? I'm also a phone sex operator. Like to give me a call? https://erotictalkphonesex.com/home.html

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