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Hi there, I’m Morgana and I’ll be your masseuse today so just lay down and enjoy. I want you to be able to really relax. Now doesn’t that feel nice?

k I’m going to slide the towel down so that I can massage your gluteus maximus.

PFFT! Oh my, don’t you be embarrassed that is perfectly normal. PFFT! Don’t worry these things happen.

​You don’t need to be embarrassed about my seeing your butt either.

Would it make you feel better to see me? It would? Well, here you go. There’s my big butt to make you feel better. PFFT! Oh no, we’re both gassy! PFFT ! PFFT! Haha, you might feel better, but our noses don’t! No more tacos for me.

This is a lighthearted, humorous fart fetish audio that also contains a small amount of toilet fetish talk. Fart sound effects have been added.

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Why you should buy If you enjoy a good laugh combined with bad smells, then you should get this fart fetish audio. ​It's fun, stinky and kinky!
Notes Thank you for purchasing my mp3 and be sure to check back frequently for new releases. Customs, phone and cam sessions are available, so check out my AllMyLinks for further contact information and sites.

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