Welcome to The Farm, a dystopian world where white bois are kept as crops and used by the BNWO. Once you enter The Farm, you never leave, yet white men are turning themselves over voluntarily. The Farm is a concept that was told to me by a properly serving white boi just like you want to be, by one of his Masters, Malcolm. But what if I told this is already being done? What if I told you that this isn’t dystopian at all? It’s happening, even as you listen and furiously jerk to this audio. This isn’t fantasy for many men, it’s their reality.

In this audio YOU are the one volunteering to leave your former life behind. I walk you through the intake process and move you towards your new existence, because it’s not a life.

Themes: BNWO, pussyfree, BBC, extreme slavery
SFX: none
Size: 37.7 MB – MP3
Length: 16:30

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Why you should buy "This is already happening to white men, just maybe not on an actual farm. Not yet, anyway."
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